Web Syllabus(講義概要)


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国際コミュニケーション I − II (英語) Peter O' Keefe
選択  2単位
【言語科目】 09-1-1130-1600-06

1. 授業の内容(Course Description)
 This course continues on from the spring semester and in it we will cover a range of conversational topics that might be encountered in usual daily life. The focus is not so much on grammar but rather on effective communication. The grammar to be studied will have a strictly practical basis only. Students will hopefully learn to develop their communicative ability by considering cultural differences that exist between the East and the West. They will also have considerable opportunity to practice English conversation in pairs and small groups making use of games and other such communication activities.
授業の到達目標(Course Objectives)
 An introduction to English for meaningful communication through a thorough review of basic grammar, functions and vocabulary.
 授業の目的:基本の文法・言語機能・語彙の包括的な復習を通して、英語で の中身の濃いコミュニケーションを紹介する。
成績評価方法(Grading Policy)
 Attendance 20%, Class work and attitude 25%, Assignments 25%, Tests 30%
 『Interchange 3rd Edition, Students Book 1』
学生への要望・その他(Class Requirements)
 Please bring a bilingual dictionary to class as well as enthusiasm and manners.
授業の計画(Course Syllabus)
 What does she look like? Asking about and describing people 's appearance.
 Have you ever ridden a camel? Describing past experiences.
 Cities, Hometowns and countries
 Talking about travel and tourism
 Health: Asking for and giving advice.
 Food and Restaurants
 Mid Term Test
 World Geography and facts
 Bigger, Better and Best: Comparitive and Superlative forms
 I'm going to a soccer match...Talking about plans
 Invitations: Refusing and Accepting
 A change for the better: Talking about life changes
 Exchanging Personal Information
 Review Final Test