Web Syllabus(講義概要)


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国際コミュニケーション II - II (英語) Joe Poje
選択  2単位
【言語科目】 10-1-1130-1668-08

1. 授業の内容(Course Description)
 In the second half of this course students will continue to develop their communication skills. In addition to improving their vocabulary and conversational skills the students will learn about cultural differences and similarities. The course will cover a number of topics including job preferences, countries, movies and books, body language and making invitations and excuses. Lessons will involve the textbook as well as games and group activities.
授業の到達目標(Course Objectives)
 The objective of the course is to encourage students to communicate about their lives, cultures and interests using English. The students will work in pairs and groups and learn how to initiate and contribute to conversations. While testing and assignments will play an important role in the course, participation in class will be the most important.
成績評価方法(Grading Policy)
 Tests: 20% Assignments: 20% Attendance: 20% Participation: 40%
 『interchange 2B (Third Edition)』
 by Jack C. Richards
 Published by Cambridge University Press
学生への要望・その他(Class Requirements)
 Textbooks, notebooks and bilingual dictionaries (English-Japanese) are required for all classes.
授業の計画(Course Syllabus)
 Talking about change
 Describing possibilities
 Describing abilities and skills
 Describing personality traits
 Talking about famous landmarks
 Describing countries
 Describing recent experiences
 Midterm exam
 Describing movies and books
 Asking for and giving opinions
 Interpreting body language
 Asking about signs and meanings
 Making invitations and excuses
 Review and Final exam