Web Syllabus(講義概要)


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ビジネス英会話4(TOEIC会話) アイリーン ジブリー
選択  2単位
【現代ビジ】 12-2-2110-0002-21A

1. 授業の内容(Course Description)
 The course begins with English you know and understand from previous study. Weekly lessons use real-living English conversation themes and vocabulary building units. Conversation themes give an introduction to native speaker culture and situations. In class, you will practice all topics covered in the course through role plays, exercises, listening and partner activities. The course is flexible to help speakers of all levels and interests to prepare students for communicating in real-life situations with a focus on building oral communication.
授業の到達目標(Course Objectives)
 To help develop ability and attitude to have a conversation with other English speakers.
 To practice English communication for studying abroad, improve TOEIC speaking score, at work, or travel.
 To use real world English effectively and with confidence outside of the classroom.
成績評価方法(Grading Policy)
 Tests and Assignments = 50% Participation = 50%
 To be announced
 To be assigned during class session
学生への要望・その他(Class Requirements)
 Textbook, notebook, and dictionary are required every class
授業の計画(Course Syllabus)
 Looking over the course. Using classroom English.
 Free Time. Talking about past events.
 Compare Clothes (Native Alaska clothing designs)
 Describe Appearance - Family and Friends
 Talk about Personality - What's your sign?
 Emoticons and Emotions.
 Midterm Test
 Japan and World Amusement Parks -
Disneyland! Universal Studios! EuroDisney!
 Places Around Town
 Talking about Plans
 Important dates in your life (Central America, Caribbean)
 Celebrations (Greece, Japan and Italy)
 Music and Entertainment
 Review・Final Term Test