Web Syllabus(講義概要)


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English Conversation III Joe Poje
必修  1単位
【外国語】 14-1-1130-1668-03

1. 授業の内容(Course Description)

 This course, held only in English, aims to improve students' speaking and listening skills in communicative English. This includes the learning of various skills and knowledge, such as pronunciation, intonation, vocabulary, grammar, and word usage. Lessons include a variety of activities intended to stimulate students to actively practice speaking English in class and prepare for the TOEIC. Since the course has an "oral communications" focus, active participation in class is required, both for grading and for the students' meaningful progress in speaking skills.

授業の到達目標(Course Objectives)

 The objective of this course is to improve the English speaking and listening skills of students. Through various kinds of speaking and listening tasks, students are expected to learn to pronounce correctly, to expand vocabulary and to understand grammar structures. By the end of this semester, students should be able to develop more effective listening skills, acquire the ability to express themselves more effectively, and enhance the ability to better understand spoken English.

成績評価方法(Grading Policy)

 Tests: 30% Assignments: 20% Attendance and Participation: 50%


 『interchange 1A (Fourth Edition)』
 by Jack C. Richards
 Published by Cambridge University Press


 Students will work together in pairs and groups during listening and speaking exercises to improve their basic English skills. Homework assignments will be given out during the 15 week course.

学生への要望・その他(Class Requirements)

 Textbooks, notebooks and bilingual dictionaries (English-Japanese) are required for all classes.

授業の計画(Course Syllabus)

 Introductions and essential English
 Making conversation
 Work and school
 Weekly schedules
 Invitations and excuses
 Mid-term exam
 Asking about families
 Routines and exercise
 Leisure activities
 Your neighborhood
 Final exam