Web Syllabus(講義概要)


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セミナー I ジョージ・ヘガティ
必修  2単位
【外国語】 14-1-1410-1911-07

1. 授業の内容(Course Description)

 Historically, the United States has been called a "melting pot" because it is perceived to be the melting together of many cultures into a common American culture. Over the past several decades, some have argued that the concept of a "salad bowl" is more accurate since the country consists of a variety of cultures and characteristics that remain relatively separate. However, a better analogy might be that the United States is something into between these two comparisons, something that could be called a "chunky soup." A chunky soup would be something that consists of the finely simmered liquid of soup with chunks of a variety of food, such as meat, seafood, potatoes, grains, and vegetables, all flavored with assorted spices. That is to say that there is a certain shared common culture that Americans have (the liquid of the soup), but at the same time the country still consists of a variety of cultures, characteristics, values, etc. that American immigrants have brought from all around the world (the chunks of food).

授業の到達目標(Course Objectives)

 To examine the complexity of American culture.
 To better understand the most commonly shared characteristics of the culture as well as the characteristics of various subcultures.
 To gain experience giving presentations in English in front of an audience.
 To have meaningful discussions in English on the theme of the course.

成績評価方法(Grading Policy)

 Final grades are calculated on the basis of 50% for class participation and 50% for student presentations.


 No textbook, but rather student presentations and class discussions. Instructions and additional information by the instructor.


 Each student will make two presentations in English. Specific topics are decided by the students themselves, but topics must be approved ahead of time by the instructor. Visual aids are suggested, for example, PowerPoint presentations, handouts, and videos. Students will sign up for specific dates to give their presentations. A missed presentation may not be made up in another class session without a serious reason with official written documentation.

学生への要望・その他(Class Requirements)

 A final exam will be given. Questions for the exam will be selected from questions submitted by the students themselves provided after each student presentation. Class participation grades are based on attendance, active participation in class, quality of work, effort, and attitude.

授業の計画(Course Syllabus)

 Each class session will include student presentations followed by class discussions. After each student presentation, students will complete written evaluations of all presentations.