Web Syllabus(講義概要)


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英語コミュニケーション I アイリーン ジブリー
選択  1単位
【人間文化】 14-2-2110-0002-21A

1. 授業の内容(Course Description)

 A short course to prepare students for English conversation in interesting situations. Use English to understand International Culture. Lessons are a mixture of fun extension activities to motivate students to practice conversations in class. Speaking activities involve student partner and group work. This course is designed for student learning, language practice and speaking English at different ability levels. Active class participation is necessary.

授業の到達目標(Course Objectives)

 The objective of this course is to develop an English speaking ability. Attendants learn vocabulary, dialogue to practice vocabulary, and grammar in context. By the end of this semester, students should be able to speak English, have self assurance when speaking to other English speakers, understand context in conversation, and develop an interest in International Cultural Societies.

成績評価方法(Grading Policy)

 Tests and Assignments = 50% Participation = 50%


 To be announced


 Written and video assignments will be given in class sessions.

学生への要望・その他(Class Requirements)

 Bring to every class session: dictionary, black pen, red pen, pencil, eraser, and a notebook.

授業の計画(Course Syllabus)

 Looking over the course/Classroom English コース全体を理解する。教室で使う英語。依頼をする。
 Talking about family members 家族について話す
 Describing foods, fruits and vegetables 食べ物、フルーツ、野菜を説明する
 Talk about your life and daily routine 日常について話す
 Midterm Test
 Free time activities 自分ができることを話す
 Describing people and animals 人や動物を説明しする
 Home and garden 現在の行動を説明する 
 Final Term Test