Web Syllabus(講義概要)


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国際コミュニケーション I - II (英語) Wayne Devitte
選択  2単位
【言語科目】 14-1-1312-3308-05

1. 授業の内容(Course Description)

The way that English is used to communicate in a variety of cultural settings can make it difficult to learn to communicate well. As an introduction to international communication, this class will focus on basic differences between Anglo and Asian cultures and how these differences impact conversation and communication. English will be used in authentic contexts to learn about the world and different cultural and communicative approaches.

In IC, students will develop a basic understanding about the way different native English speakers use English in contrast to other cultures and while some grammar will be analyzed, it will not constitute a significant part of the course. Students will have ample chance to use the English they both know previously and will learn in the class to develop an understanding and ability to use strategies, phrases, and expressions that are commonly used by native English speakers. Additionally, they will learn strategies for improving vocabulary, spelling and conversational English.

授業の到達目標(Course Objectives)

By the end of this course, students will come away with an expanded repertoire of English phrases, vocabulary, and speaking strategies and a deeper understanding of the role of English in their professional, academic and social lives. Students will be given a chance to further expand their usage of causal English and gain a healthy understanding of the relationship between language and culture.

成績評価方法(Grading Policy)

Attendance(出席): 10%
Participation Assignments (3):(参加度・課題): 30%
Written Exams (2). : (試験): 40%
Speaking Tasks (2). : 20%


Materials supplied by instructor


See Grading Policy

学生への要望・その他(Class Requirements)

The students will be required to participate in class by attending the lecture, practicing with their partners and groups during the class, use the guidelines and instruction of the teacher to produce both scripted and original English, speak English in class when instructed by the teacher, take all tests (2), complete participation assignments (3), and participate in speaking tasks (2) given to the student by the teacher. Throughout the course, students will be asked to read and consider material relevant to the topics prior to class.

授業の計画(Course Syllabus)

Wk1: Introduction to the course - self assessments
Wk2: Speaking strategies intro II - culture differences
Wk3: Speaking strategies III - giving advice
Wk4: Situational speaking III - problem people Assignment #1 (10%)
Wk5: Cooperative learning II - grammar (review)
Wk6: Non-verbal cues - body language Speaking Task (10%) - TBA
Wk7: Collocations I - TBA
Wk8: Mid-term exam (weeks 2-7)
Wk9: Speaking strategies IV - presentations
Wk10: Situational speaking IV - stressful situations
Wk11: Life Events II - your future Assignment #2 (10%)
Wk12: Collocations II - technological expressions
Wk13: English humor II - TBA Speaking Task (10%) - TBA
Wk14: Final exam (weeks 9-13)
Wk15: End of term - review