Web Syllabus(講義概要)


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国際コミュニケーション I - II (英語) モリキャサリン
選択  2単位
【言語科目】 14-1-1312-3852-02

1. 授業の内容(Course Description)

In this class we will be building on basic English skills. Using the simple fundamentals of good grammar we will be learning more natural English to use in practical situations and simple conversation topics. We will also be using some of these situations and topics to highlight and discuss interesting points of US culture.

授業の到達目標(Course Objectives)

At the end of this course students will be able to effectively navigate various situations where they may need to use English for travel, to make friends, or in the work environment. Students should be able to understand, answer and ask questions using simple sentences, and with these basic tools learn to build richer more interesting conversations. Students will also be more familiar and comfortable with natural English as it is used by native speakers.

成績評価方法(Grading Policy)

Participation(参加度): 30%
Homework(課題): 15%
Presentation(プレゼンテーション): 10%
Mid-Term/Final Tests(試験): 45%
Extra Credit (追加得点): +5%


This course will be using 『Cutting Edge Elementary』, the third edition over both semesters. ICI-I will be loosely covering the first half and ICI-II will be loosely covering the second half. The instructor will also provide additional materials when needed.


Homework and TBD

学生への要望・その他(Class Requirements)

Students must attend a minimum of 10 classes per semester.
Students must make an effort to communicate and participate actively in all class activities.
Students must take all tests.
Students must make a final presentation.

授業の計画(Course Syllabus)

Week 1: Introductions/ Exchanging Information
Week 2: Shopping
Week 3: What Are You Doing? (Simple Present Vs. Present Continuous)
Week 4: Animals and Nature
Week 5: What are you doing this weekend? (Future Plans)
Week 6: I Want To/I Have To
Week 7: Mid-Term Test
Week 8: What You Don’t Say (Culture and Body Language)
Week 9: Communication in the Modern World
Week 10: Taboo Topics
Week 11: English in the Work Place (Professional English)
Week 12: English in the Work Place (Communicating With People from Different Cultures Professionally)
Week 13: Presentations
Week 14: Final Test
Week 15: Course Wrap up and Free Conversation