Web Syllabus(講義概要)


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卒業セミナー II ブラッドリージョフ
選択必修  2単位
【外国語】 14-1-1410-3851-18A

1. 授業の内容(Course Description)

Students will learn about the history of British cinema, especially the films of Alfred Hitchcock. We shall analyse Hitchcock's films and place them in contemporary contexts.

It is expected students will play a large part in forming discussions, giving presentations and translations. Students will learn how to read Hitchcock’s films philosophically, semiotically and psychoanalytically.

授業の到達目標(Course Objectives)

To address the seminal importance of the films of Hitchcock.
This course will be suitable for English students who are interested in film
and British studies and want to develop critical skills to think about
the filmic and conceptual basis of "representation".

成績評価方法(Grading Policy)

Course grade is based on 宿題 (30%) class, 発表 (30%) and レポート final essay (40%).


All material prepared by teacher. Students are expected to develop an interest in a particular research paradigm (feminism, politics, psychoanalysis etc).


Students are expected to do reports/movie maps/homework most weeks and to present regularly the
class in turn. This is not a class for passive students.
No voyeurs please.

学生への要望・その他(Class Requirements)

An attendance policy will be observed. Be warned!

授業の計画(Course Syllabus)

【第1回】Introduction to Deleuze & Guattari I
【第2回】Introduction to Deleuze & Guattari II
【第3回】Introduction to Deleuze & Guattari III
【第4回】Auteur Cinema 1. Presentations
【第5回】Auteur Cinema 2. Presentations
【第6回】Auteur Cinema 3, discussion
【第7回】Film in detail 1
【第9回】film analysis 2
【第11回】film analysis 3
【第13回】Hitchcock 2012 overview
【第14回】Report & Presentations
【第15回】Report & Presentations Review