Web Syllabus(講義概要)


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アメリカ文化論 I ジョージ・ヘガティ
選択  2単位
【人間文化】 14-1-1410-1911-23A

1. 授業の内容(Course Description)

 Study of a number of key aspects that define or represent American Culture using various sources, including non-fiction, literature, journalism, film, art, and the Internet. (Two course sequence)
(The course is taught in English, but students at all levels of English are welcome.)

授業の到達目標(Course Objectives)

 To gain a better understanding of key aspects of American culture.
 To learn about the differences between American culture and the cultures of the students in the course.

成績評価方法(Grading Policy)

 Final grades are calculated on the basis of 50% for class participation and 50% for the final exam.


 Lectures and videos in class. Students will also be given some handouts to compile into the material for the course.


 Students must take notes from lectures and videos in class. Homework consists of reviewing the notes and making sure that the English is understood.

学生への要望・その他(Class Requirements)

 Class participation grades are based on attendance, active participation in class, quality of work, effort, and attitude. The final exam will cover all of the class work of the semester.

授業の計画(Course Syllabus)

 Topics may include the following and/or others: individualism, self-reliance, freedom, democracy, equality, diversity, music, Hollywood, fast food, guns, materialism, clothing, business, international relations, and English as a world language.