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日本経済論 IV(Japanese Economy IV) 中村 賢一
選択必修  2単位
【経済】 18-1-1110-3075-008

1. 授業の概要(ねらい)

 You will investigate the modern history of Japanese Economy after the end of world warⅡ, current situation and problems of agricultural industry, labor market, social security system, finance and the current fiscal difficulties of GOJ to have an over view and understand the current situation and problems of Japanese Economy. You will also study the “Japan Problem”, the theory and consequences of the “Abenomics” to extrapolate the possibility to revitalize Japanese Economy.


 You could have capability to read and understand the articles in the journals on Japanese Economy to understand her current situation and problems.


 You are evaluated by the result of examination(90%) and your responses(10%) at lectures.


 We do not have any textbook, but you can consult with 『The Japanese Economy third edition』by David Flath, 2014, Oxford University Press, if necessary.


 You should review every lecture and read articles about Japanese and World Economy in Financial Times or Economist. You may have a chance to report the contents of those articles at a lecture.


 As Japanese students of Teikyo University are encouraged to attend this class, I hope you will have good friendship with them.

 Orientation and an introductory lecture about Japan problem.
 Lets look at Japanese Economy by statistics: What is GDP? Energy Consumption,CO2 gas emission.
 Foreign trade and transactions,World economic growth, Aging population, Inequalty of income, etc.
 Japanese Economy,Just after the end of WWⅡ.
 Policy of U.S. occupation army.
 Constitution and Land Reform.
 Rissolution of Zaibatsu and Labor legistration.
 Hyper Inflation.
 Priotity Production Scheme.
 Change of the U.S. occupation policy.
 Hhigh economic growth era: the contributions of capital stock, labor and TFP to the economic growth.
 Economic policies
 Transition to open economy
 Change of the international economic environment
 Transition to the low economic growth era