Web Syllabus(講義概要)


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財政学 III(Public Finance III) 小西 杏奈
選択必修  2単位
【経済】 18-1-1110-4421-005

1. 授業の概要(ねらい)

 How does the government correct disparities in income and capital? Are taxes still useful in reducing economic inequality within a country? We will address these questions and more through reading Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty.
 This course is structured as follows: in the first class, lectures will provide students with the fundamentals of tax policy. Following the introductory lecture, detailed topics will be examined, and students are expected to participate in classes through presentations and discussions.
 The lecture format is subject to change.


 1.Learn about problems in our present tax system and define basic terminology in their own words.
 2.Be able to explain the relationship between economic globalization and changes in tax systems.
 3.Understand recent topics and issues concerning public finance, and discuss this in their own words.


 Students will be graded as follows:
  Presentations (60% of final grade)
  Final exam (40% of final grade)


 There is no textbook required for this course.


 Preparation for presentations.


 The lectures will be given in English. The ability to understand and communicate in English is a prerequisite for this course.

 Introduction: Course organization, presentation methods
 Fundamentals of tax policy
 Capital in the Twenty-First Century: “Introduction”
 Chapter 12: “Global Inequality of Wealth in the Twenty-First Century” I
 Chapter 13: “A Social State for the Twenty-First Century” I
 Chapter 13: “A Social State for the Twenty-First Century” I
 Chapter 13: “A Social State for the Twenty-First Century” II
 Chapter 14: “Rethinking the Progressive Income Tax” I
 Chapter 14: “Rethinking the Progressive Income Tax” II
 Chapter 15: “A Global Tax on Capital” I
 Chapter 15: “A Global Tax on Capital” II
 Student Presentations: “The tax system of my country”I
 Student Presentations: “The tax system of my country”II
 Student Presentations: “The tax system of my country”III
 Discussion and Final Exam
 *The topics are subject to change.