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経済史概論 IV(Modern Economic History IV) 鈴木 俊夫
選択必修  2単位
【経済】 18-1-1120-3349-004

1. 授業の概要(ねらい)

 Introduction to Economic History IV is open to foreign students as one of the Teikyo Asian Exchange Program (TAEP). It covers a wide range of topics so as to induce students to acquire a general knowledge in the field of economic history. The perspective is comparative. The course consists of both a lecture and a seminar: in a seminar students will make a presentation on assigned topics. In the fall semester special attention will be paid to the economic development in Japan since the Meiji Restoration (1868). It aims to show the conditions and paths of industrial development by taking into consideration Japan’s international position in the world economy of that time. Hence the approach is thematic rather than chronological.


 Students are expected to understand the process of Japan’s industrialization from a comparative viewpoint, and to learn the creation of modern industries and enterprises by transferring western advanced technology and institutions to a less-developed country. It is obvious that nowadays under-developed countries can gain some significant insights from this Japan’s experience in the Meiji period.


 One 2,000 word essay to be submitted by the middle of January (counting as 50% of the overall mark), in-class participation (counting as 20% of the overall mark), and presentation in a seminar (counting as 30% of the overall mark).


 The lectures will be made in Power Point on the basis of slide-show resumes. The instructor will hand out the preliminary reading list and the assignment materials in a seminar.


 Students are strongly recommended to take up weekly assignments.


 The course assumes no pre-requisites: no knowledge of economic history. Japanese students may not attend a lecture and a seminar without consent of the instructor.

 Course Introduction: An introductory lecture gives a brief overview of analytical approaches to Japanese economic and business history; the purpose and scope of the course will also be mentioned
 Lecture: Modern Economic Development in Japan 1880-1980 (1)
 Lecture: Modern Economic Development in Japan 1880-1980 (2)
 Seminar: W.J. Macpherson, The Development of Japan c.1868-1941, London: Macmillan, 1987 (chapter 2, pp.15-23); Kaname Akamatsu,“A Historical Pattern of Economic Growth in Developing Countries”, Journal of Developing Economies, vol.1-1, March–August 1962, pp.3-25
 Lecture: Japan's Financial Activities in the International Financial Centre 1870-1930
 Seminar: Toshio Suzuki, Japanese Government Loan Issues on the London Capital Market 1870-1913, London: Athlone, 1994, (Conclusion, pp.179-84)
 Lecture: Formation of Zaibatsu in the Meiji and Taisho Era – from political merchants to modern affiliated company groups
 Seminar: Shige-aki Yasuoka,“Social Background of Zaibatsu in Japan", Business and Economic History: Journal of the Business History Conference, 2-6, 1977, pp.84-90
 Lecture: History of General Trading Companies 1880 to 1970
 Seminar: Kazutoshi Maeda,“General Trading Companies in Pre-War Japan: A Sketch”, Shin-ichi Yonekawa (ed.), General Trading Companies: A Comparative and Historical Study, Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 1990, pp.92-110
 Lecture: Monopolistic Competition in Electric Industry 1930-1980
 Seminar: M.Y. Yoshino & Yoshihiko Endo,“Transformation of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. 2005", 1993, pp. 1-14
 Lecture: Beginning of Motor Industry after the Second World War
 Seminar: Tai-ichi Ohno, Toyota Production System: beyond large-scale production, Cambridge, Mass.: Productivity Press, 1988; Koichi Shimokawa,“From the Ford System to the Just-in-Time Production System”, Japanese Yearbook on Business History, vol.10,1993, pp.83-105
 Concluding Remarks