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経済体制論 III(Comparative Economic Systems III) 杉浦 史和
選択  2単位
【経済】 18-1-1150-1576-005

1. 授業の概要(ねらい)

 This class aims to understand varieties of Economic Systems. Nowadays there is actually one economic system, i.e. Capitalist Economic System. But historically speaking, there has been an alternative. In fact in the era of Cold War, dozens of countries functioned as a Socialist Economic System. Therefore, we want to understand whether there should be an alternative to take in the current situation. We will touch upon the functioning of the Socialist Economic System and draw some lessons learned from the failure of the Socialist System. In addition, among the Capitalist Economic System, we cannot ignore the difference in many aspects, such as social securities, and labor management. Hence we will also study the varieties of Capitalist Economic System.


 Students can tell the specificities of the Socialist Economic System in comparison with the Capitalist Economic System. Students also have to understand there are varieties of the Capitalist Economic System.


 In the end of each class, students have to submit a reaction paper as an attendant point. If there is a good point in it, the premium will be given. The total of an attendant point will be 30. The rest will be calculated by the final exam, which should be 70 maximum.


 The lecturer will provide necessary data and resources for study.


 The students who want to understand the functioning of the economy as a social system will be welcome. They always have to have an acute interest in the development of the economy, historically and actually. Questions and comments are always welcome.


 Japanese students will be welcome although the course will be given in English.

 The History of Studies of Economic Systems: Orientations and Aims of the course.
 The Capitalist Economic System (1) Market Economies
 The Capitalist Economic System (2) Private Properties
 The Socialist Economic System (1): Soviet Union (1)
 The Socialist Economic System (2): Soviet Union (2)
 The Socialist Economic System (3): Russia after the end of the Soviet Union
 The Socialist Economic System (4): Former Socialist Economies (1)
 The Socialist Economic System (5): Former Socialist Economies (2)
 The Socialist Economic System (6): China (1)
 The Socialist Economic System (7): China (2)
 The Varieties of Capitalist Economic System (1) Japan
 The Varieties of Capitalist Economic System (2) USA and UK
 The Varieties of Capitalist Economic System (3) Continental European Countries
 The Varieties of Capitalist Economic System (4) Nordic Countries
 Summary and Examination