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経済体制論 IV(Comparative Economic Systems IV) 杉浦 史和
選択  2単位
【経済】 18-1-1150-1576-006

1. 授業の概要(ねらい)

 This class aims to understand varieties of Economic Systems. Nowadays there is actually one economic system, i.e. Capitalist Economic System. But historically speaking, there has been an alternative. In fact in the era of Cold War, dozens of countries functioned as a Socialist Economic System. Therefore, we want to understand whether there should be an alternative to take in the current situation. People have tried very hard to take a necessary Economic System to make use of it. In a sense, current China's and Russia's administrations are very eager to adopt a best suitable Economic System to make the countries more prosperous and strong. In the history of Japan, our ancestors were also one of those who pursue the best Economic System to take before WW2. In fact, Former Prime Minister of Japan, Nobusuke Kishi, whose grandson is, as you may know, incumbent Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, was the chief planner and organizer of the new Economic System in Manchuria. By looking back the history of Manchuria, we can learn much about the functioning of the Economic System. We should also take a close look at the development of postwar Japan, as Prime Minister Kishi had a strong influence in forming the Economic System of Post-war Japan.


 Students can tell the specificities of the Economic System in Manchuria in comparison with the mainland Japan's Capitalist Economic System. Students also have to understand the effects left behind for Japan's economic development after the WW2.


 In the end of each class, students have to submit a reaction paper as an attendant point. If there is a good point in it, the premium will be given. The total of an attendant point will be 30. The rest will be calculated by the final exam, which should be 70 maximum.


 The lecturer will provide necessary data and resources for study.


 The students who want to understand the functioning of the economy as a social system will be welcome. They always have to have an acute interest in the development of the economy, specifically Japan's post-war period development model. Questions and comments are always welcome.


 Japanese students will be welcome although the course will be given in English.

 The History of Manchuria and Economic System (1): Orientations and Aims of the course.
 The History of Manchuria and Economic System (2): The aims of Manchuria
 Manchuria's Economic System (1): Institutional Settings
 Manchuria's Economic System (2): Development Results
 Prime Minister Nobuzo Kishi (1) :Backgrounds and Interests
 Prime Minister Nobuzo Kishi (2) :His Role in Manchuria
 Prime Minister Nobuzo Kishi (3) :The Manchurian Industries (1)
 Prime Minister Nobuzo Kishi (4) :The Manchurian Industries (2)
 Prime Minister Nobuzo Kishi (5) :The Manchurian Railways (1)
 Prime Minister Nobuzo Kishi (5) :The Manchurian Railways (2)
 The Post-war Japan's Economic System (1) Economic Miracles
 The Post-war Japan's Economic System (2) The Role of Economic Planning Agency
 The Post-war Japan's Economic System (3) The Role of Ministory of International Trade and Industries
 The Post-war Japan's Economic System (4) The Role of Ministory of Finance and Bank of Japan
 Summary and Examination