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国際経済論 IV(International Economy IV) 中西 俊裕
選択必修  2単位
【経済】 18-1-1150-4905-018

1. 授業の概要(ねらい)

 Course outline: This course aims to give students a firm grounding in international economy from a geopolitical viewpoint. Students who take this course are required to study various aspects of real international economy, such as trade, energy, finance and industry, through the prism of issues including regional and global power balances, alliances, and religious and ethnic conflict. By reading the prepared texts and through debate, participants are expected to foster their own points of view with regard to international economy in an era of uncertainty.


 Participants will seek to understand the conflicts of interest many states face with others, as well as how governments and private organizations strive to resolve problems. In so doing, students who join this course will gain the ability to present arguments and the skills required for success in an international environment.
 Students are expected to put the material they have learned into discussion. During the autumn term, students are expected to express their own opinions based on the knowledge gained during the spring term.


 Printed texts and articles are distributed during each class. Students will read and comment on articles. “Superpower” by Ian Bremmer, Penguin Publishing Group (2015), is recommended as supplementary reading.


 Attendance, discussion and reports


 Reading English media is recommended for the lectures.


 Students are expected to attend each class and express opinions openly.

U.S. and China: The direction of trade war
Emerging states and financial crisis
 Asia-Pacific trade
 The global oil market
 Chinese diplomacy: Balancing economy and politics
 Indian diplomacy: The spirit of non-alliance
 How to maintain an order in the Arab world
 ASEAN’s role: Emerging companies of the region
 Israel: Hi-tech talents foster new relationship
 Brexit and Britain's involvement in Asia
 The future of the EU and refugee problem
 East Asia: The gap between ideas and reality
Global warming and policies to control it
 Summary: How to balance economy and politics in today's world