Web Syllabus(講義概要)


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産業・企業研究 III(Industry and Enterprise Research III) 石川 正史
選択  2単位
【経営】 18-1-1150-3395-023A

1. 授業の概要(ねらい)

 In this course of Industry and Enterprise Research, global automotive indsutry will be taken up, focusing on its history, global alliance, major manufacturers and markets and some state-of-the-art technologies. Automotive manufacturers are competing each other in every corner of the world and at the same time, the issues related to safety and environment are crucial burden for them to cope with. Furthermore, C.A.S.E., standing for Connectivity, Autonomous, Sharing and Electricity will surely allow new players outside of this industry like Google and Apple, to join in this competition. What kind of powertrain will be dominant in 2030? Can ICT companies like Google invade successfully in this industry by 2040? Who/what will be driving vehicles in 2050? Let's try to think about the future of automotive industry together.


 The main objectives of this course are
 ①To understand the current situation of global automotive industry, and
 ②To acquire the ability to forecast its future from various pieces of the information provided with in this course.


 Performance of the students is graded in the following elements and weightings.
 - Attendance (mandatory)
 - Class participation/contribution: 20%
 - Review tests:          20%
 - Mid-term exam.:         25%
 - Final exam.:           35%


 Instead of any specific textbook, prints will be distributed in every class. Additionally, any books related will help students in obtaining necessary information, many of which will be available in various languages.


 Students are encouraged to review the contents after each class for better understanding and furthermore, to follow the latest information regarding automotive industry by checking daily media. Such review will be tested as appropriate as above-mentioned review tests.


 Participation to the class and aggressive approach to the subject are essential.

 Automotive history① Invention and mass-production
 Automotive history② Growth and future issues
 Economic impact
 Global alliance① Major groups and advantage of alliance
 Global alliance② Case study
 Other automotive manufacturers in Japan
 Automotive manufacturers in Asia
 Mid-term exam.
 Automotive manufacturers in USA
 Automotive manufacturers in Europe
 Safety and environment① Emission control, fuel consumption and global warming
 Safety and environment② Seat belt, air-bag and driving assistence
 New generation vehicles① Various types (HV/EV/PHEV/FCV)
 New generation vehicles② Strategy of manufacturers
 Final exam.