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経営組織論 IV(Business Organization IV) 伍井 和夫
選択必修  2単位
【経済】 17-1-1120-3396-09

1. 授業の概要(ねらい)

 This course focuses on the organizational behavior, and students will be introduced to the various cases. In the autumn semester, area of the organizational theory from Group or Team Work aspect such as “Group Behavior”, “Work Teams” and “Foundation of Organization Structure” will be explored.


 After this course, students will be able t
  -Know the development of organizational ideas
  -Understand major organizational concepts and theories
  -Apply organizational concepts and theories in real-life situations


 Students will be assessed based on the following criteria: Midterm Exam (30%), Mini Report (20%), Final Exam (50%).


 Main Textbook:Stephen P. Robbins et al. (2014) 『Organizational Behavior, Global Edition』, Pearson.
Sub Textbook:Stephen P. Robbins et al. (2014) 『Fundamentals of Management, Global Edition』, Pearson.


 Be sure to take careful notes as you work through this course. You should keep your notes organized and properly labeled, as they will serve you well as you prepare to complete the Midterm and Final Exam.


 In order to take this course, students must: have access to a computer; have the ability to download and save files and documents to a computer; have the ability to open Microsoft files and documents (.docx, .ppt, .xls, etc.); be competent in the English language.

 Chapter1 What is Organizational Behavior?
 Chapter9 Foundations of Group Behavior (1) Defining and Classifying Groups
 Chapter9 Foundations of Group Behavior (2) Group Properties
 Chapter9 Foundations of Group Behavior (3) Group Decision making
 Chapter10 Understanding Work Teams
 Chapter11 Communication (1) Functions of Communication
 Chapter11 Communication (2) Choice of Communication Channel
 Midterm Exam. Chapter12 Leadership (1) What is Leadership?
 Chapter12 Leadership (2) Finding and Creating Effective Leaders
 Chapter13 Power and Politics (1) Bases of Power
 Chapter13 Power and Politics (2) Politics: Power in Action
 Chapter14 Conflict and Negotiation (1) The Conflict Process
 Chapter14 Conflict and Negotiation (2) Negotiation
 Chapter15 Foundations of Organization Structure (1) Common Organizational Design
 Chapter15 Foundations of Organization Structure (2) Organizational Design and Employee Behavior. Final Exam