Web Syllabus(講義概要)


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国際コミュニケーション II - I (英語) フット キャサリン
選択  2単位
【言語科目】 17-1-1312-4783-06

1. 授業の概要(ねらい)

During this course we will be focusing on speaking and listening skills for everyday use. We will practice grammar to improve communication and understanding skills. We will be practicing various English phrases and idioms each week to build a more natural understanding of native English that you can use.


The objectives for this course will be to improve your speaking and listening skills. Using various communicative techniques, students will build a base and expand their skills which will help them to speak more natural English. By the end of the semester the students should show improved speaking, listening, and vocabulary skills. They should also show a stronger understanding of natural English in everyday situations.


Attendance and Participation: 30%
Homework: 10%
Presentation: 10%
Tests: 50%


Speak Out. Starter. BBC: Pearson Education


All homework will be explained when it is issued and is due the following week. Each time a homework assignment is late 15% will be reduced from your homework assignment grade.


Following University policy, students are only allowed up to 5 UN-EXCUSED ABSENCES. If you bring a VALID certificate from a doctor or from the university, you will be allowed to receive credit for attending the class, but you will not be allowed to receive participation points. In addition, bringing a certificate qualifies you to receive any handouts or materials that you missed.
You can receive participation points by: Speaking in class when asked, being productive during group work, not being a detriment to the classroom or being disruptive.
Cellphones, speaking/giggling in Japanese, being rude to other students, cheating on homework or tests (cunning) ect. WILL NOT BE TOLERATED and will result in loss of points, expulsion from the classroom and possible disciplinary action from your teacher or the school.

Where are you from?
What’s this?
What’s different?
Bad habits.
When does it open?
Getting there.
Nice place to meet.
Where’s the fruit?
The right gift.
A waste of money.
Final Exam.