Web Syllabus(講義概要)


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English Conversation II アンダーソン ジェイコブ
必修  1単位
【外国語】 17-1-1312-4803-05

1. 授業の概要(ねらい)

In the course students will focus on improving and developing the ability to communicate in English. In each class, students will learn how to express themselves in English and speak English as much as possible. The course will also include aspects of culture, including popular culture, and how to talk about things that are of interest to each student. This is primarily a conversational course, but it will include aspects of grammar to aid and influence students’ ability to communicate as well as touching on how different English-speaking nations vary in vocabulary and expressions.


The objective of this course is to improve the English speaking and listening skills of students. Through various kinds of speaking and listening tasks, students are expected to learn to pronounce correctly, to expand vocabulary and to understand grammar structures. By the end of this semester, students should be able to develop more effective listening skills, acquire the ability to express themselves more effectively, and enhance the ability to better understand spoken English.


Attendance(出席): 10%
Participation(参加度): 20%
Tests (試験): 50%
Assignments (課題): 20%


All materials will be supplied by the instructor


There will be one or two assignments per semester. All homework assignments must be submitted on the due date as instructed by the teacher. Students failing to do so will be penalised unless adequate documentation is provided by the students as to why it is not complete or late. Students could be assigned make up assignments at the teacher’s discretion.


The students will be required to participate in class by attending a minimum of 10 classes, be active participants in class discussions and activities and follow the guidelines and instruction of the teacher. They will be expected to produce both scripted and original English; give opinions and commentary on discussion topics and ask and answer questions posed to them by the teacher and other students. Finally, they are expected to take all tests, and complete all assignments.

Class Introduction & Expectations, talking about yourself
Replying & Responding
Vocabulary: Crime & Punishment
Telling Stories
Practical Language in Specific Situations I
Mid-Term Test (weeks 1-6)
Body Language
Cultural Differences
Idioms & Slang
Pop Culture
What do you think?
Practical Language in Specific Situations II
Final Exam (weeks 8-13)
Term Wrap Up