Senior Seminar II
TeachersTANIMURA, HidehiroStaffInfo
Elective, CreditsCompulsory  4 credit [Department of Elementary Education Preschool Education Course]
 Syllabus NumberTHE-402

Course Description

In this two-semester seminar, students will think and write academically on higher education in our society.
Through fall semester students will learn and research on their own theme to write a junior/senior thesis by the end of the semester. In classes students wil give a presentation about individual research and get feedbacks from an instructor and the other members. The course objects are not just for each students to gain basic experiences, knowledge, and skills to conduct academic researh, but also for each to enhance attitudes to think, discuss, and produce something with/for others.
Having a tutorial out of classes are recomended. Visit me freely during office hours, and for meeting at the other times make an appointment by e-mail.