NOZAWA, Joji [野澤 丈二]

GradeClass NameDisciplineMajors/EntranceYearCompulsory/ElectiveCreditsSemester
Year 1Introduction to Economic History III (Modern Economic HistoryⅢ)Department of EconomicsCompulsory Elective21st semester
Year 1Economic History IV (Modern Economic HistoryⅣ)Department of EconomicsCompulsory Elective22nd semester
Year 3Seminar IDepartment of EconomicsCompulsory21st semester
Year 3Seminar IIDepartment of EconomicsCompulsory22nd semester
Year 1Introduction to Economic History III (Modern Economic HistoryⅢ)Department of International EconomyElective21st semester
Year 1Economic History IV (Modern Economic HistoryⅣ)Department of International EconomyElective22nd semester
Year 2国際経済史ⅠDepartment of International EconomyCompulsory Elective21st semester
Year 2国際経済史ⅡDepartment of International EconomyCompulsory Elective22nd semester
Year 3Seminar IDepartment of International EconomyCompulsory21st semester
Year 3Seminar IIDepartment of International EconomyCompulsory22nd semester
Year 1Seminar in Life Design 1Department of Business AdministrationCompulsory21st semester
Year 1Seminar in Life Design 2Department of Business AdministrationCompulsory22nd semester
Year 1Introduction to Economic History III (Modern Economic HistoryⅢ)Department of Business AdministrationCompulsory Elective21st semester
Year 1Economic History IV (Modern Economic HistoryⅣ)Department of Business AdministrationCompulsory Elective22nd semester
Year 3Seminar IDepartment of Business AdministrationCompulsory21st semester
Year 3Seminar IIDepartment of Business AdministrationCompulsory22nd semester
Year 2Special Topics in Tourism IDepartment of Tourism ManagementElective21st semester
Year 2Special Topics in Tourism IIDepartment of Tourism ManagementElective22nd semester
Year 3Seminar IDepartment of Tourism ManagementCompulsory21st semester
Year 3Seminar IIDepartment of Tourism ManagementCompulsory22nd semester
Year 3フランス語翻訳ⅠDepartment of Language StudiesFrench/German/Spanish/Chinese/Korean Course Matriculated after 2016Compulsory11st semester
Year 3フランス語翻訳ⅠDepartment of Language StudiesFrench/German/Spanish/Chinese/Korean Course Matriculated after 2016Compulsory12nd semester
Year 3フランス語翻訳ⅡDepartment of Language StudiesFrench/German/Spanish/Chinese/Korean Course Matriculated after 2016Compulsory12nd semester