OGAWA, Yoshiko [小川 佳子]

GradeClass NameDisciplineMajors/EntranceYearCompulsory/ElectiveCreditsSemester
Year 1Sports Medicine IDepartment of Business AdministrationElective21st semester
Year 2Sports Medicine IIDepartment of Business AdministrationElective22nd semester
Year 1人体の構造と機能及び疾病Department of PsychologyMatriculated after 2017Elective22nd semester
Year 1人体の構造と機能及び疾病Department of PsychologyMatriculated before 2018Elective22nd semester
Year 1Sports Medicine IDepartment of Human and CulturesElective21st semester
Year 1Sports Medicine IIDepartment of Human and CulturesElective22nd semester
Year 1Sports Medicine IDepartment of Contemporary BusinessElective21st semester
Year 1Sports Medicine IIDepartment of Contemporary BusinessElective22nd semester
Year 1Sports Medicine IDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective21st semester
Year 2基礎演習 IDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceCompulsory21st semester
Year 2基礎演習 IIDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceCompulsory22nd semester
Year 2基礎演習 IDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective21st semester
Year 2基礎演習 IIDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective22nd semester
Year 2Sports Medicine IIDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective22nd semester
Year 2予防医学Department of Sport and Medical ScienceElective21st semester
Year 2予防医学Department of Sport and Medical ScienceElective21st semester
Year 3応用演習 IDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceCompulsory21st semester
Year 3応用演習 IIDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceCompulsory22nd semester
Year 3応用演習 IDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective21st semester
Year 3応用演習 IIDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective22nd semester
Year 3運動処方 IIDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective22nd semester
Year 3運動処方 IIDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective22nd semester