Journalism II
TeachersSAKAMOTO, HiroshiStaffInfo
Elective, CreditsElective  2 credit [Department of Sociology]
 Syllabus NumberSOC-108

Course Description

Continuing from Journalism I, in this course, students will develop an understanding of post-war magazine journalism and the social context of the time.
The course focuses particularly on general interest magazines, mass-entertainment magazines, and weekly publications. With regard to weekly publications, students will study Hidetoshi Kato’s Chukanbunkaron (published in the March 1957 Chuokoron), an important work of the time. Students will also study the activities of two key cultural figures of Japan’s period of post-war high economic growth—Soichi Oya (1900–1970) and Seicho Matsumoto (1909–1992).
It is recommended that students who plan to take Journalism II have completed Journalism I.