SUGIMOTO, Mariko [杉本 真理子]

GradeClass NameDisciplineMajors/EntranceYearCompulsory/ElectiveCreditsSemester
Year 1絵本の世界ⅠDepartment of Education and CultureElective21st semester
Year 1絵本の世界ⅡDepartment of Education and CultureElective22nd semester
Year 2教育相談Department of Education and CultureElective21st semester
Year 2School  Counseling for Junior and Senior High School StudentsDepartment of Education and CultureElective21st semester
Year 1絵本の世界ⅠDepartment of Elementary EducationElementary Education CourseElective21st semester
Year 1絵本の世界ⅡDepartment of Elementary EducationElementary Education CourseElective22nd semester
Year 2Curriculum for Early Childhood Care and Education: Environment IDepartment of Elementary EducationElementary Education CourseElective21st semester
Year 2Curriculum for Early Childhood Care and Education: Environment IDepartment of Elementary EducationElementary Education CourseElective21st semester
Year 1絵本の世界ⅠDepartment of Elementary EducationPreschool Education CourseElective21st semester
Year 1絵本の世界ⅡDepartment of Elementary EducationPreschool Education CourseElective22nd semester
Year 2Curriculum for Early Childhood Care and Education: Environment IDepartment of Elementary EducationPreschool Education CourseElective21st semester
Year 2Curriculum for Early Childhood Care and Education: Environment IDepartment of Elementary EducationPreschool Education CourseElective21st semester
Year 1教育相談Department of Human and CulturesElective21st semester
Year 1教育相談Department of Contemporary BusinessElective21st semester
Year 2教育相談Department of Sport and Medical ScienceElective21st semester
Year 2School  Counseling for Junior and Senior High School StudentsDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective21st semester
Year 2教育相談Certificate/Licensure CourseElective21st semester
Year 2School  Counseling for Junior and Senior High School StudentsCertificate/Licensure CourseElective21st semester