SAITO, Kazufumi [齋藤 和文]

GradeClass NameDisciplineMajors/EntranceYearCompulsory/ElectiveCreditsSemester
Year 2Fire Prevention Law and Administration IIIDepartment of LawMatriculated after 2017Elective21st semester
Year 2Fire Prevention Law and Administration IVDepartment of LawMatriculated after 2017Elective22nd semester
Year 2Fire Prevention Law and Administration IIIDepartment of LawMatriculated before 2018Elective21st semester
Year 2Fire Prevention Law and Administration IVDepartment of LawMatriculated before 2018Elective22nd semester
Year 2Fire Prevention Law and Administration IIIDepartment of Political ScienceElective21st semester
Year 2Fire Prevention Law and Administration IVDepartment of Political ScienceElective22nd semester
Year 2Fire Prevention Law and Administration IIIDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective21st semester
Year 2Fire Prevention Law and Administration IIIDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective21st semester
Year 2Fire Prevention Law and Administration IVDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective22nd semester
Year 2Fire Prevention Law and Administration IVDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective22nd semester