SHINOHARA, Masaichi [篠原 政一]

GradeClass NameDisciplineMajors/EntranceYearCompulsory/ElectiveCreditsSemester
Year 2Practice of Sports' Method(Volleyball)Department of Education and CultureElective11st semester
Year 1Athletics TeachesDepartment of Elementary EducationElementary Education CourseElective11st semester
Year 1Mental HealthDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective21st semester
Year 1Mental HealthDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective21st semester
Year 1Mental HealthDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective21st semester
Year 1Mental HealthDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective21st semester
Year 1School Health and SafetyDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective22nd semester
Year 1School Health and SafetyDepartment of Sport and Medical ScienceElective22nd semester
Year 2Practice of Sports' Method(Volleyball)Department of Sport and Medical ScienceElective11st semester
Year 2Practice of Sports' Method(Volleyball)Department of Sport and Medical ScienceElective11st semester
Year 4Seminar for Teaching Practice(Junior and Senior high schools)Certificate/Licensure CourseElective22nd semester
Year 4Seminar for Teaching Practice(Junior and Senior high schools)Certificate/Licensure CourseElective22nd semester