経済学史Ⅳ(History of EconomicsⅣ)
担当者西澤  保
単位・開講先選択  2単位 [経済学科]


 History of Economics IV investigates the history of economic thought mainly from Adam Smith to J.M. Keynes and after, focusing the issues of market and state, economics and ethics, growth and welfare. It largely deals with Adam Smith and the classical political economy, Malthus, Ricardo, and J.S. Mill; the historical school and Marx; Marshall, Pigou and the welfare economic studies; Keynes, Beveridge and the British welfare state; and Fukuda Tokuzo and the Japanese economic thought.
 History of Economics III will focus more on Adam Smith and the classical political economy; and History of Economic Thought IV will do more on the neo-classical school (Jevons, Marshall, Pigou) and Keynes and Beveridge.


 The main objectives are to acquire the basic knowledge of the history of economic thought from Adam Smith to Keynes and after, and to get to know how to access economics and economi thought from the historical point of view.


 The examination in the final class hour (or the final essay) will be 60% and the mark given for class attendance and participation will be 40%.


教科書 I don't use any one textbook, but distribute the copies and resume; and the main reference books will be;
教科書 Roger Backhouse『the Penguin History of Economics』Penguin Books, 2002;
 R.E.Backhouse and T.Nishizawa eds.,『No Wealth but Life. Welfare Economics and the Welfare State in Britain』Cambridge University Press, 2010.
参考文献The State and the Economic System.An Introduction to History of Political EconomyPhyllis DeaneOxford University Press
参考文献Penguin History of EconomicsRoger BackhousePenguin Books
参考文献No Wealth But Life. Welfare Economics and the Welfare StateRoger Backhouse and Tamotsu NishizawaCambridge University Press


 Readings of the notes and resume and the reference books as indicated in the class


 Participation to the class.


第1回 Introduction
第2回 Transformation of capitalism and liberalism: market and state 1
第3回 Transformation of capitalism and liberalism: market and state 2
第4回 Adam Smith and the classical political economy 1
第5回 Adam Smith and the classical political economy 2
第6回 Adam Smith and the classical political economy 3
第7回 The historical school and Marx
第8回 Jevonian revolution and economic policy in Britain
第9回 Social problems and the welfare economic studies
第10回 Marshall, Pigou and the welfare economic studies 1
第11回 Marshall, Pigou and the welfare economic studies 2
第12回 Keynes, Beveridge and the British welfare state
第13回 Fukuda Tokuzo and the welfare economic studies
第14回 Fukuda Tokuzo and the Japanese economics
第15回 Summing up and Examination