担当者ミヒ ラミレス アントニオ
単位・開講先選択  2単位 [経営学科]


*この講義はグラナダ大学国際経済・スペイン経済学部のアントニオ・ミヒ・ラミレス教授により英語で実施されます。スペイン経済とラテンアメリカ経済を国際経済学の視点から勉強します。This class will be given in English language by Professor Antonio Mihi-Ramirez, Department of International and Spain’s Economics, Granada University, Spain.

This course focuses on identify and understand main factors affecting international economics using examples of Spanish and Latin American economies. During the course participants will study the topical issues regarding Spanish and Latin American economies via reading, collecting and analyzing articles and macro-data on Economics published in newspapers, scientific journals and international organizations such World Bank, IMF, OECD and so on. Participation in the class discussion will be highly welcomed.


Students will be able to link theory with practical contents of International Economics. They will be able to understand and compare the features and connections of European and Latin American economies.


1. Active participation and engagement, analysis of articles and essays about topical economic issues, participation in discussions on specific topics, additional tasks and homework, other activities: 35%. Compulsory attendance (80% of the classes) is needed to add this mark to the total.
2. Mid-term work (project presentation and written essay on a specific Latin-American Economy 32.5%
3. Final work (project presentation and written essay on a specific macro-magnitude of the Spanish Economy): 32.5%


教科書• The Wall Street Journal (Europe and Latin America) : http://online.wsj.com/europe ; http://online.wsj.com/public/page/news-latin-america.html
• The Economist: http://www.economist.com
• El País: http://elpais.com/elpais/inenglish.html
• World bank: http://www.worldbank.org/
• IMF: http://www.imf.org/external/index.htm
• OECD: http://www.oecd.org/


The students will be provided with the most topical and recent articles, data sources, news and essays that will be selected and analyzed throughout the course. Students are requested to read assigned reading materials before they come to the class. For class activities, a written copy of their tasks must be submitted before the class day.


The students will present their team-projects and individual analyses of articles and tasks in specific sessions.


第1回Introduction, socio-economic indicators.
第2回GDP and Wealth (by GDP), Spain
第3回Labor market, Spain. Activity sectors, Spain.
第4回Midterm task, Spain. Individual presentation of selected papers.
第5回Introduction to OECD statistics and reports, World Bank statistics, IMF statistics.
Examples with Spain and European countries.
第6回Trade, Spain.
第7回Public debt, Spain.
第8回Midterm task, Spain. Individual presentation of selected papers.
第9回Introduction: WTO and Trade profiles.
第10回Midterm task, Spain. Individual presentation of selected papers.
第11回Final task. Individual presentation on the selected South American Country.
第12回Final task. Individual presentation on the selected South American Country.
第13回Final task. Individual presentation on the selected South American Country.
第14回Final task. Individual presentation on the selected South American Country.
第15回Final task. Individual presentation on the selected South American Country.