統計学Ⅲ(Statistical AnalysisⅢ)
担当者鈴木  拓教員紹介, 湯川 志保教員紹介
単位・開講先選択必修  2単位 [経済学科]


 This course will offer the opportunity to study the statistics from the basics to intermediate. It consists of two parts and each part is taught by one of following two professors; Taku SUZUKI and Shiho YUKAWA.
 Statistics is used in various fields, it is important to understand the basic statistics.
 In the lectures, we will study the fundamental statistics, data visualization, and inferential statistics.


 - the fundamental statistics and its application for basic data analysis,
 - the method of the visualization of data,
 - the fundamental probability theory and estimation of the parameters.


 The following percentage breakdown will constitute your final grade.
 Participation (45%): Each participation is counted as 3% of your whole performance.
 Exercises (55%): Exercises as Term Exam are to be held at the end of each part. 20% and 35% is assigned to part I (Yukawa) and part Ⅱ (Suzuki), respectively.


教科書Each professor distributes course materials.


 Review of each lecture is very important.
 Homework will be assigned several times. You must do the homework by next lecture.


 It is desirable to check the course materials beforehand if you think your preparation is not enough.


第1回 Introduction and Visualization of data(1) How to use excel
第2回 Visualization of data(2) Data management
第3回 Visualization of data(3) Data management
第4回 Visualization of data(4) Graphics
第5回 Visualization of data(5) Graphics
第6回 Review and Exercise(1)
第7回 Random Variables (1) Combination , Probability and Independent trial
第8回 Random Variables (3) Integral and Probability distribution
第9回 Random Variables (3) Expectation and Variance
第10回 Review and Exercise(2)
第11回 Probability distribution (1) Binomial distribution and Normal distribution
第12回 Probability distribution(2) Chi-square distribution and t distribution
第13回 Estimation(1) Point and interval estimation of population mean
第14回 Estimation(2) Point estimation of Variance and Covariance
第15回 Review and Exercise(3)