国際経済論Ⅳ(International EconomyⅣ)
担当者中西 俊裕教員紹介
単位・開講先選択  2単位 [経営学科]


 Course outline: This course aims to give students a firm grounding in international economy from a geopolitical viewpoint. Students who take this course are required to study various aspects of real international economy, such as trade, energy, finance and industry, through the prism of issues including regional and global power balances, alliances, and religious and ethnic conflict. By reading the prepared texts and through debate, participants are expected to foster their own points of view with regard to international economy in an era of uncertainty.


 Participants will seek to understand the conflicts of interest many states face with others, as well as how governments and private organizations strive to resolve problems. In so doing, students who join this course will gain the ability to present arguments and the skills required for success in an international environment.
 Students are expected to put the material they have learned into discussion. During the autumn term, students are expected to express their own opinions based on the knowledge gained during the spring term.


 Assesment of academic achievement is based on reports and discussion in the class.


教科書Printed texts and articles will be distributed during each class.
参考文献Easternization: Asia's rise and America's decline from Obama to Trump and beyondGideon RachmanOther Press
参考文献Us vs. Them: THE FAILURE OF BLOBALISMIan BremmerPortfolio/Penguin


 Reading English news media regarding topics related to the next lecture is recommended. Texts will be specified as needed.


 Students are expected to attend each class and express opinion openly.


第2回U.S. and China: The direction of trade war
第3回Emerging states and financial crisis
第4回Asia-Pacific trade
第5回The global oil market
第6回Chinese diplomacy: Balancing economy and politics
第7回Indian diplomacy: The spirit of non-alliance
第8回How to build a new order in the Arab world
第9回ASEAN's role: Emerging companies of the region
第10回Egypt,Iraq and Lebanon: The development policy of Arab states
第11回Israel: Hi-tech talents foster new relationships
第12回Brexit and Britain's new policy
第13回The future of the EU and refugee problem
第14回Environment: Global warming and remedies to control it
第15回Summary: How to balance economy and politics in today's world