担当者ポジ ジョー教員紹介
単位・開講先選択  2単位 [言語教養科目]


   In the second part of this participatory English course students will continue to work in pairs and also groups to develop their English communication skills. In addition to improving their vocabulary and conversational skills through the use of textbooks and activities, the students will also learn about Canadian and American culture. As all lessons will be in English only, students will be encouraged to use English when asking questions and working with other students in the classroom.


 The objective of the course is to encourage students to communicate about their lives, cultures and interests using English. The students will work in pairs and groups and learn how to initiate and contribute to conversations. While testing and assignments will play an important role in the course, participation in class will be the most important.


 Exams: 40% Homework and Assignments: 30% Attendance and Participation: 30%


教科書『American Headway 1B (Third Edition)』By Liz and John SoarsPublished by Oxford University Press


 Students will work together in pairs and groups during listening and speaking exercises to improve their basic English skills. Homework assignments will be given out during the 15 week course. All lessons are in English only.


 Textbooks, notebooks and bilingual dictionaries (English-Japanese) are required for all classes.


第1回 The Good Old Days
第2回 First Flights
第3回 Food
第4回 The Sandwich
第5回 Comparing Cities
第6回 Megacities
第7回 Review
第8回 Midterm exam
第9回 What Are You Doing?
第10回 The International Space Station
第11回 Your Future
第12回 Have You Ever...?
第13回 Music Festival
第14回 Review
第15回 Final exam