経済政策論Ⅲ(Economic PolicyⅢ)
担当者二村 英夫教員紹介
単位・開講先選択  2単位 [国際経済学科]


 The purpose of this course is to provide the foundation of Economic Policy, which includes basic theories of trade policy, fiscal policy and monetary policy. This course will be taught through a combination of lectures and class discussions in English.


 Students will acquire the basic knowledge of macro-economic framework, economic policy, policy objectives and policy effects, as well as their linguistic abilities of reading, writing and exchanging opinions in English.


 Attendance (25%), Reports (25%), Midterm and Final examination (50%).


参考文献Macroeconomics (No. 4 Version) N. Gregory MankiwWorth Pub.
参考文献International Economics Theory and Policy tenth editionPaul R. Krugman, M.Obstfeld, M.J.Merlitz, PERSON


 After class; students are expected to review the material and content of the session.


 Students are desirable to continue to take Economic Policy Ⅲ and Economic Policy Ⅳ.
The first lesson "Orientation" and the second lesson "What is the Economic Policy ?" will be online lessons.


第1回 Orientation (online lesson)
第2回 What is the Economic Policy ?(online lesson)
第3回 World Trade: An Overview
第4回 Basic Characteristic of Current Economy ( Trade Policy )
第5回 Theory of Comparative Advantage ( Trade Benefits )
第6回 Theory of Comparative Advantage ( Summary )
第7回 Specific Factors Model and Income Distribution
第8回 Distribution of Income and the Heckscher- Ohlin Model
第9回 Trade Policy ( Import Tariff Policy )
第10回 Other Instruments of Trade Policy
第11回 Macroeconomic Framework
第12回 Money and Inflation
第13回 Monetary Policy and Tools
第14回 Current monetary and fiscal policies
第15回 Conclusion and reflection