担当者西向 堅香子教員紹介
単位・開講先必修  2単位 [外国語学科 2016年度以前入学]


The purpose of this class is to provide students with an opportunity to learn both presentation and academic skills in English. Students will learn techniques to give their presentations more effectively, and skills to find a research topic and choose the keywords for their presentations. The class is undertaken through a variety of activities that are composed of pair and small group work.


By the end of the course, students should be able to:
(1) Acquire academic skills that are crucial for presentations
(2) Deliver a presentation in English confidently using effective techniques.
(3) Organize the content of a presentation in a logical structure
(4) Answer and ask questions related to a presentation
(5) Evaluate a presentation and learn from each other’s presentation skills
(1) プレゼンテーションに重要なアカデミック・スキルを身に付けることができる
(2) 効果的な表現技術を駆使し、自信をもって英語でプレゼンテーションできる
(3) プレゼンテーション内容を論理的に組み立てることができる
(4) プレゼンテーションに関連する質疑応答ができる
(5) 客観的にプレゼンテーションを評価し、学生間で学び合うことができる。


Your final grade will be based on the following:
・Active participation in pair and small group discussions and homework (e.g. submitting reflection papers) 40%
・Presentations 60%
積極的な授業参加と課題(例、リフレクションペーパーの提出)(40%)、プレゼンテーション (60%) で総合的に評価する。


教科書You will be notified when the class starts. 第1回目の授業時に指示する。


You are expected to come to class fully prepared:
・Read class materials beforehand
・Submit your assignments on time
・Prepare for presentations (research, PPT slides, visuals and script)


This class is conducted mostly in English (materials, presentation, discussion). Except for special reasons, you need to attend all classes punctually and regularly. Missing more than one third of the total number of classes will result in a failing grade for the course. Also, two late arrivals are considered one absence. If you are late for more than 15 minutes, you will be considered “absent” for the class.
※Updated syllabus will be distributed/uploaded on LMS when the class starts.
主な使用言語は英語 (教材、プレゼンテーション、ディスカッション) 。特別な事情がない限り、全ての授業に時間通りに出席すること。 授業数の3分の1以上欠席すると、不合格になる。また、2回遅刻したものを1回の欠席としてみなす。15分以上遅刻の場合、「欠席」としてみなす。


第1回Introduction to the Course
第2回Basic Knowledge for Presentations
第3回Basic Knowledge for Presentations
第4回Basic Knowledge for Presentations
第5回Basic Knowledge for Presentations
第6回Students’ Presentations (1)
第7回Students’ Presentations (1)
第8回Students’ Presentations (1)
第9回Basic Knowledge for Presentations
第10回Basic Knowledge for Presentations
第11回Basic Knowledge for Presentations
第12回Students’ Presentations (2)
第13回Students’ Presentations (2)
第14回Students’ Presentations (2)
第15回Review ※The online class will be conducted via LMS, available from January 18th.