金融論Ⅲ(Money and FinanceⅢ)
担当者李  素軒教員紹介
単位・開講先選択  2単位 [国際経済学科]


The increasing prominence of finance is a significant feature of the contemporary economy. This course is intended to introduce students to basic concepts and theories to understand financial phenomena. It also covers the major topics in finance such as asset bubble and financial crisis, unconventional monetary easing.


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1.Understand the basic concepts and the conceptual framework of finance theories.
2.Understand the historical and institutional background of real world financial topics and explain in their own words.


Participation(Class discussion, Reaction paper) 30%
Quizzes 30%
Final exam 40%

Feedback on quiz and exam will be given through LMS.


教科書No textbook is required for this course.


There will be two quiz sessions which will be announced at least one week ahead. Students are expected to review the lecture slides and be able to explain key points of the previous lectures.


It is strongly recommended to familiarize yourself with finance by checking the recent news, movies or documentaries related to the contents of this course.


第1回Introduction: The rise and evolution of finance
第2回Money and credit
第3回Financial intermediation and credit creation (Online class via LMS)
第4回Price of money and financial markets
第5回Household asset allocation
第6回Corporate finance
第7回Flow of funds account and international investment position of Japan
第8回Role of central bank
第9回Financial innovation and derivatives
第10回Securitization and global financial crisis
第11回Financial regulation and supervision
第12回International policy coordination for financial stability
第13回Evolution of monetary policy
第14回Issues on financialization
第15回Course wrap-up