金融論Ⅳ(Money and FinanceⅣ)
担当者李  素軒教員紹介
単位・開講先選択  2単位 [国際経済学科]


This course serves as an introduction to modern finance with a special focus on financial globalization. Along with an overview of basic concepts and historical background of the global spread of finance, the major issues of today's global financial system will be covered.


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1.Understand the basic financial concepts and theories regarding financial globalization
2.Understand the historical and institutional background of real world financial topics and explain in their own words.


Participation(Class discussion, Reaction paper) 30%
Quizzes 30%
Final exam 40%

Feedback on quiz and exam will be given through LMS.


教科書No textbook is required for this course.


There will be 3 quizzes which will be announced at least one week ahead. Students are expected to review the lecture slides and be able to explain key points of the previous lectures.


It is strongly recommended to familiarize yourself with finance by checking the recent news, movies or documentaries related to the contents of this course.


第1回Introduction: Financial globalization in the past and today
第2回Balance of payments and international investment position
第3回Foreign exchange and exchange rate regime
第4回Overview of history of international monetary system
第5回Capital account liberalization and financial globalization
第6回Financial crisis in developing countries
第7回Market-based finance and bank-based finance
第8回Derivatives and securitization
第9回Global financial crisis: causes and consequences
第10回External imbalance and global financial flows
第11回Offshore financial centers and tax havens
第12回Finance and gender (Online class via LMS)
第13回Dollar standard and currency internationalization
第14回Recent trends in monetary policy
第15回Course wrap-up