産業・企業研究Ⅲ(Industry and Enterprise ResearchⅢ)
担当者黒木 彰子教員紹介
単位・開講先選択  2単位 [国際経済学科]


The industry map continues to change. New industries are born and develop, previously unrelated industries are connected to each other, and once-flourishing industries are shrinking. So why do industry maps continue to evolve? It is because the needs of society and the people who live and work in it change.
In this course, students will learn about sustainable management, which is required by society today, by understanding the map of the industry and taking up corporate examples.
In order to encourage students to learn independently, they will be asked to make a presentation based on a corporate case study of their choice. Please make use of this opportunity to pursue your "One's way", which is the educational philosophy of Teikyo University.


・Understand the business environment surrounding companies based on the ever-evolving industry map, and be able to explain it to others.
・Understand the essence of sustainable management from the perspective of responding to the business environment, and be able to explain it to others.


Class participation and contribution: 30%, Presentation: 30%, Final exam: 40%


教科書Each lecture will follow a PowerPoint presentation. The materials will be uploaded to the LMS at least two days prior to the lecture, so please prepare by reading them yourself before class.


The PowerPoint presentation will be uploaded to the LMS at least two days before the lecture, so please read through the materials and sort out any questions you may have in advance.


Attendance and note taking are required for all lectures. The schedule for the 15th online lecture will be announced separately.


第2回Ever-evolving industry map
第3回Sustainable management ① Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
第4回Sustainable management ② Revision of the Corporate Governance Code in 2021
第5回Sustainable management ③ Capital markets are looking ahead
第6回Corporate example ① Fuji Oil
第7回Corporate example ② Unicharm
第8回Corporate example ③  Fujitsu
第9回Corporate example ④ Hitachi
第10回Corporate example ⑤  Ajinomoto
第11回Corporate example ⑥  Shiseido
第12回Corporate example ⑦  Marui Group
第14回Final exam. will be carried out therefore students are encouraged to do review work over all the lectures in this course.
第15回Human capital management: Psychological safety at work (LMS)