Multimedia Programming 2
Grade, SemesterYear 2 2nd semest [Department of Information and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering]
CategoryBasic Major Subjects
Elective, CreditsElective Requisites 2credit
 Syllabus Number3D212

Course Description

This course provides you the knowledge about core technical skills necessary for developing the front-end web development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, including DOM, Ajax, and jQuery. Students will learn how to create and design rich internet applications that use most recent client-side programming technology.
The course includes lectures, weekly assignments, and final written examination.
This course follows DP4M in the diplomat policies of the faculty.

Course Objectives

The students will be able to:
- write JavaScript programs using DOM.
- write JavaScript programs using Ajax.
- write JavaScript programs using jQuery.

Grading Policy

Grade will be computed as follows:
- Weekly assignments 30%
- Final examination 70%
You can receive a credit if you obtain 60% and above.

The answers of the examination and comments on your program will be provided by LMS.

Textbook and Reference



Please read the lesson contents posted on the LMS and create a "notebook" before starting the lesson.
The key points are to be submitted during class.
Also, at the beginning of the class, you will be asked to solve the previous class's review questions, so please review the contents.
This requires at least one hour of study time.


Students are expected to have taken "Multimedia Programming 1", but not mandatory.


1DOM (1): DOM
2DOM (2): CSS
3DOM (3): event model of W3C DOM
4Ajax (1): Basic knowledge of ajax
5Ajax (2): response data format
6Ajax (3): Application program using ajax
7Exercise: JavaScript programming using DOM and ajax
8jQuery (1): What is jQuery, selectors
9jQuery (2): DOM operation
10jQuery (3): event driven programming
11Advanced exercise using jQuery (1): practical design of web page
12Advanced exercise using jQuery (2): Dynamic module
13Web page creation (1): planning and implementation
14Web page creation (2): implementation and review
15Review and summary