Flight Training for Private Pilot 1
TeachersIMAI, Michio
Grade, SemesterYear 1 2nd semest [Department of Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering]
CategoryHelicoptor Pilot Course
Elective, CreditsElective 2credit
 Syllabus Number2E107

Course Description

Students will learn the basic pilot skill by practical flight training. First, learn the smooth control of the rudders, cyclic pitch, collective pitch and technique of hovering. After that, practice control skills to take-off / landing. The object is to be able to fly solo. Also, learn the operations of autorotation in case of emergency.
This subject is related to the diploma policy DP2, 4 and 5.

Course Objectives

Students will learn the basic maneuvering of a helicopter, in order to be able to take-off and land in solo.

Grading Policy

Students are evaluated based on grading policy. Participation (Preparation and enthusiasm for training) will be evaluated, as well.
Debriefing meeting will be held and feedback will be given after flight training.

Textbook and Reference

TextbookPilot’s Operating Handbook


Please read the text book, "Pilot’s Operating Handbook", carefully. Get used to the order of flight instrument of Robinson R22 helicopter.
・Preparation : Define flight plans and prior items before each training. Imagine how to work out those preparations in practical training. 1.5 hours of preparation is required. Do organize the knowledge in notebooks.
・Review : Review the training, issues and instructor’s advice. Study appropriate solution and learn related topics. Review and organize the knowledge in notebooks (1.5 hours).


Training will held at Shimozuma Heliport. Everyone must be punctual.


1Orientation (ORI): Be use to the feeling in the air and maneuvering.
2Basic area maneuvers (AW) and hovering (HOV) training
3Basic area maneuvers (AW) and hovering (HOV) training
4Hovering (HOV) training and take-off / landing training
5Hovering (HOV) training and take-off / landing training
6Hovering (HOV) training and take-off / landing training
9TGL-2& autorotation training(AUTO)
10TGL-2& autorotation training(AUTO)
11TGL-2& autorotation training(AUTO)
12TGL-2& autorotation training(AUTO)