Molecular Genetics
TeachersMIYAMOTO. Koji
Grade, SemesterYear 2 1st semest [Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering]
CategorySpecial Subjects
Elective, CreditsElective 2credit
 Syllabus Number5D242

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to learn the following.
 (1) The structures of DNA and RNA
 (2) Replication of DNA
 (3) Gene expression and its regulation

Course Objectives

This course aims to understand the molecular mechanisms by which the genome is maintained and the genes are expressed or regulated.

Grading Policy

Final grade will be calculated according to the midterm examination (33%) and the final examination (67%). To pass, students must earn at least 60 points out of 100.

Textbook and Reference

TextbookText book for biology in a university. Vol. 2 Molecular genetics (in Japanese)David Sadave et al.Kodansha Ltd., ISBN:978-4-06-257673-4


Students have to prepare each lecture by reading the corresponding chapter in the textbook and summarizing the content of next lecture in a notebook. This preparation will take one hour.
There will be homework each week. Students should review the questions they did not understand in their homework. This review will take two hours.


Students should take "Fundemental genetics". Please review the contents of "Fundemental genetics". Handout will be posted on LMS.


1Cell cylcle and cell division
2Chromosome distribution
3Mendelian inheritance
4Mendelian inheritance and non Mendelian inheritance
5Genetic linkage and recombination
6Structure of DNA
7Replication of DNA
8Midterm examination and commentary
10Translation, protein modification and mutation
11DNA replication and gene expression in virus
12Genetics in Prokaryote
13Gene expression in Prokaryote
14Genome and gene expression in Eukaryote
15Final examination and commentary