Optical Information Science
TeachersKONDO, Naoki
Grade, SemesterYear 3 I/III [Department of Information Science Correspondence Course, Faculty of Science and Engineering]
CategorySpecial Subjects
Elective, CreditsElective 2credit
 Syllabus Number4D305

Course Description

Students will learn the followings in this course,
(1) Fourier optics which is suited to treat light as waves with phase
(2) Basics of optical information processing founded upon Fourier optics
(3) Fundamental mechanics of holography.

Course Objectives

In this course we shall learn the basics of optical information processing and aim to reach the understanding of the mechanics of holography, which is one of the most powerful 3D imaging modality.

Grading Policy

You will be graded by the submitted reports (total 50%) and final examination marks (50%). Reports are returned with comments within 2 weeks after submission.

Textbook and Reference

TextbookThe textbook is "Light and Fourier Transform" by YATAGAI Toyohiko (Japanese).
Supplementary English materials are provided if necessary.


Read the corresponding part of the text carefully (~1 hour).
It is recommended to verify the mathematical expressions and programs in the text and supplied materials in the review process (~2hours).




1Light and wave 1 (Wave equation, plane waves, complex representation of waves)
2Light and wave 2 (Spherical waves, theory of superposition)
3Interference and diffraction 1 (Interference, coherence, Young's experiment, interferometer)
4Interference and diffraction 2 (Diffraction, Fresnel diffraction, Fraunhofer diffraction)
5Fourier transform and convolution 1 (Fourier series, optimal polynomial approximation, orthonormal functions)
6Fourier transform and convolution 2 (Fourier transform, properties of Fourier transform, delta function)
7Fourier transform and convolution 3 (Convolution and correlation function, special functions and their Fourier transforms, sampling theorem)
8Linear systems 1 (Systems and operators, linear systems, shift-invariant systems)
9Linear systems 2 (impulse responses, frequency response functions, eigenfunctions and eigenvalues)
10Fourier optics 1 (Fresnel diffraction, Fourier transform function of lenses)
11Fourier optics 2 (Coherent image formation, image formation by incoherent light source)
12Fourier optics 3 (Frequency response functions of optical systems, resolution)
13Optical computing 1 (Spatial frequency filtering, holography)
14Optical computing 2 (Computer holograms, digital holography)
15Summary and final examination