Bioorganic Chemistry
TeachersSAKUDA, Shohei
Grade, SemesterYear 3 1st semest [Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering]
CategorySpecial Subjects
Elective, CreditsElective 2credit
 Syllabus Number5D347

Course Description

Biosynthesis, bioactivities and modes of action of bioactive compounds, which have key roles in a variety of organisms such as mammals, insects, plants, and microorganisms are studied. Skills obtained in this class are related to DP2 and DP3.

Course Objectives

General biosynthetic pathways such as polyketide pathway and mevalonic pathway are studied to understand how bioactive compounds are biosynthesized. Structures, biosynthesis, bioactivities, and modes of action of various bioactive compounds such as insect hormones and signal molecules of microbes are studied to know the functions of bioactive compounds in each organism.

Grading Policy

Quiz every time and report: 40%
Finals: 60%

Textbook and Reference

TextbookHnadouts are used.
Reference book: "Chemistry and Biology of Bioactive Compounds" Hiromich Nagasawa, TERRAPUB, ISBN-10: 4887041667






1Learn about what bioorganic chemistry is.

2Learn about classification of bioactive compounds and how to study them.

3Learn about biosynthesis of fatty acids.

4Learn about polyketide pathway.

5Learn about mevalonic pathway.

6Learn about isoprenoides.

7Learn about shikimic acid pathway.

8Learn about biosynthesis of sugars and peptides.

9Learn about methods used for biosynthetic research.

10Learn about insect hormones and pheromones.

11Learn about bioactive compounds produced by plants and microbes.

12Learn about microbial signal molecules.

13Learn about bioactive compounds produced by microbes.

14Learn about toxic compounds and bioactive peptides produced by a variety of organisms.

15Finals and explanation.