Media Studies II
TeachersTADOKORO, YoshikiStaffInfo
Elective, CreditsElective  2 credit [Department of Sociology]
 Syllabus NumberSOC-316

Course Description

 In this class, we will cultivate a perspective that goes beyond the field of direct media acceptance and captures a wider range of phenomena from the perspective of media sociology. Aiming at the intersection of media and various social events, we will cultivate a perspective of cross-social analysis from the perspective of media sociology, using music festivals, Disneyland, urban Halloween, film tourism, and music live, etc. as materials,
 In the latter half of the class, in order to acquire more specialized skills, we will learn various theoretical perspectives and methodologies such as consumer society theory, pseudo-event theory, simulacra theory, story consumption theory, database consumption theory, communication theory, media event theory, and identity theory, etc.