担当者リネペ アンドレ教員紹介
単位・開講先選択  2単位 [自己啓発支援科目]


In this lecture we will focus on the urban cultural history of Japan. We will examine various topics regarding the urban culture and society of the early modern city by reading a contemporary source describing Edo and its urban society.


Students can expect to come out of this lecture with a better understanding of the urban cultural history of Japan. The course participants will be better equipped for engaging in an informed discussion about the intellectual history and urban culture of premodern Japan.


・Class/Precept Participation (30%)
・Oral Presentation (30%)(30%)
・Term Paper (40%)


教科書Lust, Commerce, and Corruption. An Account of What I Have Seen and Heard by an Edo Samurai (Abridged Edition)Teeuwen, M.; Nakai-Wildman, Kate (ed.)New York: Columbia University Press 2017
参考文献『世事見聞録』武陽隠士;本庄栄治郎•校訂;奈良本辰也•補訂岩波文庫 1995
参考文献Sources of Japanese Tradition, Part 1: 1600 to 1868 (Abridged Edition)WM. Theodore De Bary; Carol Gluck (ed.)2nd ed., Columbia University Press 2006
参考文献『成熟する江戸(日本の歴史17)』吉田伸之講談社学術文庫 2009
参考文献『都市ー江戸に生きる』吉田伸之岩波新書 2015


All students are expected to fulfill the following course requirements on a weekly basis:
・Preparation of the assigned readings
・Preparation of detailed lecture notes
・Memorization of Japanese technical terms and their english translation words pertaining to the intellectual and cultural history of Japan


・The course language will be English (note: consultations are possible in both English and Japanese)
・All course participants are strictly advised to attend the first session ("Introduction")
・Students are advised to bring their Student ID to class
・Late arrivals will be penalized
・Minor modifications to the course schedule are possible during the semester


第1回・Introduction (course object, methodology, sources)
第2回・Special lecture: Historical and Intellectual Context of Urban Culture in Early Modern Japan (1)
第3回・Reading: Chpt. "Warriors" (Part I)
・Course work: Student Presentation (1), Group Discussion
第4回・Reading: Chpt. "Warriors" (Part II)
・Course work: Student Presentation (2), Group Discussion
第5回・Reading: Chpt. "Warriors" (Part III)
・Course work: Student Presentation (3), Group Discussion
第6回・Special lecture: Historical and Intellectual Context of Urban Culture in Early Modern Japan (2)
第7回・Reading: Chpt. "Farmers" (Part I)
・Course work: Student Presentation (4), Group Discussion
第8回・Reading: Chpt. "Farmers" (Part II)
・Course work: Student Presentation (5), Group Discussion
第9回・Special lecture: Historical and Intellectual Context of Urban Culture in Early Modern Japan (3)
第10回・Reading: Chpt. "Temple and Shrine Priests" (Part Ⅰ)
・Course work: Student Presentation (6), Group Discussion
・Presentation of topics for paper assignment (all course participants)
第11回・Reading: Chpt. "Temple and Shrine Priests" (Part ⅠI)
・Presentation of Paper Outlines (1)
・Evaluation (Peer Review)
第12回・Special lecture: Historical and Intellectual Context of Urban Culture in Early Modern Japan (4)
第13回・Reading: Chpt. "The Blind"
・Presentation of Paper Outlines (2)
・Evaluation (Peer Review)
第14回・Reading: Chpt. "Lawsuits"
・Presentation of Paper Outlines (3)
・Evaluation (Peer Review)
第15回・Course Summary
・Submission of term papers