担当者シーゲル バイロン
単位・開講先選択必修  2単位 [経営学科]


This class is designed to help students better understand the structure of modern Japanese consumer society through the lens of economic and trade relations between the United States and Japan. This course will utilize case studies to illustrate how Japan and the United States resolved trade friction to create a mutually beneficial economic partnership.


This class is taught through the lens of trade relations between the United States and Japan. Students will learn the fundamentals of economics and trade policy. Case studies will be used to illustrate how specific trade disputes between the United States and Japan were shaped by internal and external factors, and how resolution of these disputes contributed to the transformation of Japanese society. Students will develop a clear understanding of the connection between trade and their daily lives. Students will also gain insights into ongoing trade issues likely to impact them in the future.


Homework 30%; Class participation, individual and small group exercises 40%; final 30%




Basic understanding of economic fundamentals needed. Willingness to study, understand and internalize material learned.


Students are expected to be active in class, prepare research outside of class, and voice opinions in class. Homework, coming to class, and coming to class on time is essential. Participation and willingness to speak in front of your classmates is critical. A strict attendance policy will be observed.


第1回Trade Fundamentals I
第2回Trade Fundamentals II
第3回Overview of U.S.-Japan Economic and Trade Relations I
第4回Overview of U.S.-Japan Economic and Trade Relations II
第5回Japan's Industrial Structure and Trade Policy Post-World War II
第6回Agricultural Trade: Why Japanese can eat anything they want (except foreign rice) and the U.S.-Japan Beef and Orange Disputes
第7回Wood Products and Housing Trade; Why Japanese can live in 2X4 houses and the U.S.-Japan Wood Products Agreement
第9回Automobile Trade: Why Toyota, Honda and Nissan have factories in the U.S. and the U.S.-Japan Automobile Disputes
第10回Semiconductor Trade: The beginning of the rebalancing of U.S.-Japan trade relations and the U.S.-Japan Semiconductor Agreement
第11回Cellphone and Telecommunications Trade: Why you can own your iPhone and the U.S.-Japan Cellphone Agreement
第12回Computer Trade: Why Japanese use Apple, HP and Lenovo laptops and the U.S.-Japan Computer Agreement
第13回Supercomputer Trade: Competition to develop the world's biggest electronic 'brain' and the U.S.-Japan Supercomputer Agreement
第14回Course Review