担当者茶野 純一教員紹介
単位・開講先選択必修  2単位 [国際日本学科]


 日本研究 (Japanese Studies) は地域研究 (Area Studies) の一分野で、人文・社会科学の知の体系を通じて日本を総合的にとらえようとする学問です。16世紀中ごろ、キリスト教の日本における布教を契機に開始され、西欧において、歴史・文学中心のジャパノロジーとして確立した日本研究は、第二次世界大戦期の敵国研究や80年代バブル期日本の政治・経済分析を経て裾野を広げました。2000年以降は、ポップカルチャーや生活文化研究等、カルチュラル・スタディーズ的領域にまで研究対象を拡大しています。

This course examines Japanese Studies overseas, a discipline that aims to provide a mechanism to access Japan’s culture, society, and people in order to achieve a complete and holistic understanding of Japan. Japanese Studies, a sub-field of Area Studies, is a branch of Social Sciences and Humanities research with roots that can be traced back to 16th-century Christian missions in Japan. Abroad, Japanese Studies later developed in Western Europe as an established discipline known as Japanology, which researched Japanese history and literature. Japanese Studies overseas continuously expanded in scope through such occasions as the US wartime study on enemy countries during WWII, and the worldwide analytical attention paid to the Japanese bubble-era political economy in the late 1980s. Since the turn of the new millennium, Japanese Studies overseas has further expanded its wings into the realm of cultural studies - incorporating the analysis of life and pop culture within its series of research targets.

Based on the above synopsis of Japanese Studies overseas, and in the context of an underlying notion of “Japan - thoroughly analyzed,” this course will provide an overview of the historical development and current state of Japanese Studies in Europe, North America, Asia, the Pacific, and beyond. This course also examines the significance of the Japanese Studies community in other countries, and will touch upon some lingering issues regarding Japan’s foreign policy, soft power, and the "New Cold War".


(1) ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、北アメリカでの日本研究の歴史に関する基本的な知識を身につける
(2) ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、北アメリカにおける日本研究の現状を認識する
(3) 日本研究の方法論とフィールドワークについて説明する
(4) パブリック・ディプロマシーと海外における日本研究との関係について論じる
(5) 日本に関する地域研究の価値について、より明確に自身の見解を述べる

Upon meeting this course’s requirements, a student will be able to:
(1) Develop basic knowledge of the Japanese Studies field’s history in Europe, Asia-Pacific, and North America,
(2) Recognize the current state of the Japanese Studies field in Europe, Asia-Pacific, and North America,
(3) Explain the methodology and fieldwork of Japanese Studies,
(4) Discuss the relationship between public diplomacy and Japanese Studies overseas,
(5) State his/her own views on the value of Area Studies about Japan with greater clarity and insight.


(1) クラスへの参加:40%
(2) 分析ペーパー:20%
(3) 期末試験:40%

この講義では、授業への出席、積極的な参加、時間厳守が不可欠です。受講者はしっかり予習をしたうえで、時間通りに教室に来て、積極的に参加する必要があります。欠席や遅刻は成績に影響します。 正当な理由のない欠席3回で不合格となります。

(1) Class Participation: 40%
(2) Analytic Paper: 20%
(4) Final Examination: 40%

Attendance, participation, and punctuality are essential for this course. Students need to be on time, prepared to learn, and willing to participate. Missing class or arriving late will affect your overall course grade. Three unexcused absences and you are out.



No specific textbook is used. Reference materials and notes will be distributed in class as per requirements.

参考文献Doing Fieldwork in JapanTheodore C. Bestor, Patricia G. Steinhoff, Victoria Lyon BestorUniversity of Hawaii Press
参考文献Studying JapanNora Kottmann, Cornelia ReiherNomos Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh & Co
参考文献ジャパン・ストーリー 昭和・平成の日本政治見聞録ジェラルド・L・カーティス 日経BP



Please read the assigned reading assignments and acquire basic knowledge of the material before attending class.



This course is taught in Japanese in the first semester, and English in the second semester. The contents of the lectures in the first and second semesters are the same. Academic integrity matters: neither plagiarism nor cheating will be tolerated.


Curious Gaze at Japan: Dejima and Japanology
Japanese Studies in Europe
Japanese Studies in Asia
第5回北米の日本研究 ①
Japanese Studies in North America (1)
第6回北米の日本研究 ②
Japanese Studies in North America (2)
War and Area Studies
第8回(LMS) 世界の中の日本語
(LMS) Japanese Language Overseas
Studying Japan: Methodological Discussion
第10回日本研究者のフィールドワーク ①
Doing Fieldwork in Japan (1)
第11回日本研究者のフィールドワーク ②
Doing Fieldwork in Japan (2)
第12回地域研究 vs. ディシプリン
A Cleavage between Area Studies and Political Science
第13回広報文化外交と日本研究 ① - 政策としての海外日本研究支援
Public Diplomacy and Japanese Studies (1): Policy-oriented Support for Japanese Studies Overseas
第14回広報文化外交と日本研究 ② - 主要米国シンクタンクと日本
Public Diplomacy and Japanese Studies (2): Japan at Major American Think Tanks