Studies of Media
TeachersARAI, Yoshio
Grade, SemesterYear 3 1st semest [Department of Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics]
CategoryMajor Course: Regional Economics
Elective, CreditsElective 2credit
 Syllabus Number8D312

Course Description

The relations between telecommunication media and the region in Internet-age will be discussed based on case studies in various regions. This class relates to DP2.

Course Objectives

The students will obtain essential abilities to understand the relation between media and regions and to utilize media to promote the regional economy.

Grading Policy

Term examination (60%), short tests, short reports, discussions in the class (40% in total).

Textbook and Reference

TextbookHandouts will be distributed.
References The reference materials will be indicated in the class.


To collect the reference materials as books, papers and reports about the histories and the situations of the regions focused in the class will help to understand the lectures.
Use of the Internet will be useful to collect information about various cases.



2History of media (1): The birth of newspaper journalism and news agency
3History of media (2): Radio telegraph and radio mass media
4History of media (3): From movies to television
5History of media (4): The impact of Internet
6Socio-economic history of telecom infrastructures (1): International submarine cables
7Socio-economic history of telecom infrastructures (2): Radio telegraph and Japan's advences to the continent and the ocean
8Socio-economic history of telecom infrastructures (3): From radio telephone to satellite communications and the InternetMidterm exam
9Midterm exam
10Geographical digital divide and governmental policies (1): Broadband deployments in mountainous regions
11Geographical digital divide and governmental policies (2): Broadband deployments on islands
12Geographical digital divide and governmental policies (3): People's life and the broadband deployments in less-favored regions (the case of Ogasawara)
13Geographical digital divide and governmental policies (4): People's life and the broadband deployments in less-favored regions (the case of Oki Islands)
14A rehabilitation of an old media: Wired broadcast telephone networks in the broadband age