Introduction to Teaching Practice
TeachersFURUYA Masanobu
Grade, SemesterYear 4 full year [Department of Information Science Correspondence Course, Faculty of Science and Engineering]
CategoryTeacher Licence Subjects
Elective, CreditsRequisites 1credit
 Syllabus Number4H308

Course Description

The aim of this course is to help students check their own attitude, basic knowledge, and skills. And become aware of aptitude and problems to become a teacher in the future. Also, deepen their learning through teaching practices.

Course Objectives

The goals of this course are to
(1) Understand the role as a teacher and confirm that you have the attitude and skills to carry out teaching practice.
(2) By reflecting on teaching practice, be judged their aptitude for becoming a teacher and be aware of their problems.

Grading Policy

Your overall grade in the class will be decided based on the following:
- Making a presentation: 40%
- Reports: 40%
- Some documents such as worksheets: 20%

Textbook and Reference

Textbook『新編 教育実習の常識―事例に基づく必須66項』教育実習を考える会蒼丘書林 ISBN: 9784915442117


Will be introduced in the class.



1Significance of teaching practice
2Duty of teaching student
3Making and Analysis of teaching report
4Basics of class / homeroom activity
5Basics of instruction
6Reflection on teaching practice
7Examination of way of overcoming problem (authoring a report)