Word Economy
TeachersSONG YU
Grade, SemesterYear 1 2nd semest [Department of Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics]
CategoryMajor Course: Basic
Elective, CreditsElective Requisites 2credit
 Syllabus Number8B104

Course Description

This lecture focuses on three perspectives, and some of them have their own theme settings, while others have different contents for each perspective.
Viewpoint 1 confirms the whole picture of the world economy from the aspect of international comparison. At that time, we will explain related economic terms in a simple manner so that even students who are not in the Faculty of Economics can understand them. Students in the Faculty of Economics will be able to learn the minimum expertise in economics. Economics is a very familiar field, and everyone is engaged in economic activities, so everyone is the main character of the economy.
Viewpoint 2 refers to countries that have become a hot topic in recent years as case countries, and considers and analyzes overseas economic conditions and events together. In some cases, people feel that the economy is moving, and the fixed impression is contrary to the facts. In other cases, what is taken for granted in Japan may not be possible overseas. There are many different ways of thinking, and there are many questions and issues that have no correct answer, and solving them is meaningful. You will be tasted when different developments are born depending on the interpretation.
Viewpoint 3 is not to talk emotionally about Japan-US relations, Japan-China relations, and Japan-Korea relations, starting from Japan, and to understand the differences not only in the economic field but also in the media, etc. It will not be taken over, and everyone will discuss and share the content. In a sense, national relations are like socializing with people. In Japanese society, where human relationships are said to be the most difficult, I would like you to think together about what to do with relationships between nations, and if possible, raise problems and seek improvement measures.
In this course, students will study DP1.Some contents of this course are based on practical experience.

Course Objectives

Students can learn about the trends and movements of the world economy and broaden their horizons. You will be able to think for yourself and improve your ability to organize sentences and to some extent topic survey. You can understand that it is university learning to think and solve problems that have no correct answer.
Through communication between students, you can deepen your understanding of a diverse society and make friends through classes without relying on emotional and media commentary.

Grading Policy

Diary (30%), Efforts in the lecture & submission of work sheets (20%), Summary / report in the lecture on the last day (50%)
⇒The semester report will be completed in the last day of the class, and it is possible to bring it with you other than your mobile phone.

・ The diary will be submitted by LMS, and feedback will be given to each person.
・ For work sheets and assignments, share and comment on everyone's answers in class.
・ We will share the scoring points of the term-end report and the response examples by the students (anonymous) on the LMS [for all / viewing]. In addition, we will also provide individual feedback by applicants [for individuals / freedom].

Textbook and Reference

TextbookThere is no specification. Prints will be distributed every time, so please bring them together.
References(2019)『世界経済論:岐路に立つグローバリゼーション』山本和人・鳥谷一生 (編)ミネルヴァ書房


Preparation:2 hours
Ask them to summarize the economic newspaper articles and news that they want to cover as a Word document and submit it to the LMS diary content of the relevant subject. Then, one or two people will be selected and asked to announce the content of each lesson before it begins.

Review:1 hour
・ Review so that you can understand economic terminology and explain it to others.
・ Create unfinished assignments in class.
・ Organize the results of group work and communication, organize them yourself, and use them in your year-end reports.


・ In China, there is a saying that everything is difficult. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that the making of habits and learning attitudes during the first year are almost determined for four years at university. Make a good beginning a good habit.
・ Enjoy the learning process. By focusing on the process, aim for a virtuous cycle in which good results come, you can feel a sense of accomplishment, and you want to do more.
・ I want you to think about etiquette as an adult.


Communication between students and confirmation of understanding of the world economy
2Economy and Capitalist economy
3History of the World Economy I: Phase 1 Globalization (World Economy Centered on the United Kingdom)
4World Economy History II: Pax Americana's Era (America-Centered World Economy)
5Central Bank Role and Finance
6Economic crisis (Active Learning)
7The world of globalization since the 1990s
8Globalization (Active Learning)
9A growing Chinese economy
10Cases Country and World Economy: Trade
11Cases Country and World Economy: Trade Friction
12Cases Country and World Economy: Population
13Cases Country and World Economy: Environment
14Japan-China-Korea-US Relations & Future World Economy
15Summary & Term Report