Year 3 | System and Management of Education | General Basic Subjects | | Elective | 2 | 1st semest |
Year 1 | Life Design Seminar Ⅰ | Department of Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics | | Requisites | 2 | 1st semest |
Year 1 | Introduction to Teaching Profession | Department of Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics | | Requisites | 2 | 2nd semest |
Year 2 | Japanese Politics | Department of Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics | | Elective Requisites | 2 | 1st semest |
Year 3 | System and Management of Education | Department of Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics | | Elective | 2 | 1st semest |
Year 3 | Method of Geography and History EducationⅠ | Department of Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics | | Requisites | 2 | 1st semest |
Year 3 | Method of Civics Education(Politics,Economics and Ethics) Ⅰ | Department of Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics | | Requisites | 2 | 1st semest |
Year 3 | Care experience for the handicapped | Department of Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics | | Elective | 2 | full year |
Year 3 | Method of Geography and History EducationⅡ | Department of Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics | | Requisites | 2 | 2nd semest |
Year 3 | Method of Civics Education(Politics,Economics and Ethics) Ⅱ | Department of Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics | | Requisites | 2 | 2nd semest |
Year 3 | Extra-curricular Activities・The period for integrated Studies | Department of Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics | | Requisites | 2 | 2nd semest |
Year 4 | Introduction to Teaching Practice | Department of Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics | | Requisites | 1 | full year |
Year 4 | Seminar for Practice of Teaching Profession | Department of Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics | | Requisites | 2 | 2nd semest |
Year 4 | Practice of Teaching | Department of Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics | | | 2 | full year |
Year 4 | Introduction to Teaching Practice | Department of Information Science Correspondence Course, Faculty of Science and Engineering | | Requisites | 1 | full year |
Year 4 | Practice of Teaching | Department of Information Science Correspondence Course, Faculty of Science and Engineering | | Requisites | 2 | full year |
Year 1 | Introduction to Teaching Profession | Licence Course | | Requisites | 2 | 2nd semest |
Year 3 | Extra-curricular Activities・The period for integrated Studies | Licence Course | | Requisites | 2 | 2nd semest |
Year 3 | Care experience for the handicapped | Licence Course | | | 2 | full year |
Year 4 | Seminar for Practice of Teaching Profession | Licence Course | | Requisites | 2 | 2nd semest |
Year 4 | Introduction to Teaching Practice | Licence Course | | Other | 1 | full year |
Year 4 | Practice of Teaching | Licence Course | | Other | 2 | full year |